
engineering solutions


At times, project requirements require innovation solutions.  JC Constructors is very often involved in projects requiring special considerations not found on typical projects.  Most involve temporary solutions developed very specifically for that application, such as a cofferdam need, a shoring, soil nailing, or underpinning requirement to accomplish the work or hoisting an excavator over a cliff to aid in the progress.  Below is a highlight of some of those examples.


JC Constructors is frequently required to excavate below the water table or in the river.  Work below the water table is generally accomplished with JCC’s experience and owned pumping equipment, generally pumping to a constructed stilling pond or JCC trailers prior to discharge.  The dewatering efforts typically continue well into a project until below grade structure construction and testing are accomplished.


Since much of their work is river related, ‘moving the river’ has been required many times.  JCC crews have constructed and own a complete low-water cofferdam system which has been utilized in multiple river relocation configurations.  The system is another example of the JCC team finding an engineered solution to a significant challenge.


JCC is very often is in a situation where excavation is needed without adequate space.  Shoring is often the best solution, and JCC has utilized many different strategies to accomplish the excavation using one of many shoring techniques, from drilled grout walls to under-pinning and soil nailing to driven pile or sheets.


JC Constructors is fully able to self-perform most deep foundation solutions, including driven pile, helical and augered piers and micro-pile.  The JCC team will usually find a way to help with those deep special requirements.


Again, sometimes project issues require innovation solutions.  JCC has utilized their experience and innovation in many ways to get the job done.  These solutions have often included ‘out of the box’ crane support to successfully complete the work and keep things on track.


JC Constructors has enjoyed many opportunities to work in deep water.  Included in its equipment arsenal are barges, work boats, and a full list of diving gear and underwater tools, along with trained manpower to use them.  From the support of a concrete project on the remote side of a reservoir to major multi-month underwater structural repair to installing 4’ anchors in 20’ of water, JCC is set up to accomplish what needs to be done.